How Disappointed ….
Just to express a very big disapointment and total change of direction from this company which so far was great ! A great software , a very good team to support customers which was worth to spend over 120 euros for the full suite (Macbook, and Ipad/Iphone apps) ! Now Yosemite is out , no more Icloud support on the older version , us customers paid to have this feature in the Logten 6 which we cannot use anymore and the whole business model is changing to become another company trying to pump money out of his customers ! The app I am sure is great but a ridiculous 50 % discount for existing users is far from being enough in my opinion …. Hope they wont continue going down this road , otherwise they might put their reputation at risk ! Gambling with fire ….
Julien Bena about
LogTen Pilot Log, v7.0