WTH is the difference?
Except for costing A LOT more than before, since it was “free” annually after you purchased it, I don’t see a single thing different!! I understand your business model requires you to continue to make money but this shouldn’t be on the “backs” of your existing customers who have already purchased the product. I disagree completely with those that claim “the company has to continue to make money.” Yes, but MOST companies do that by expansion, creativity, innovation…and NOT by simply making a few simple changes to their product and then trying to charge their clients an ever increasing annual fee. Which I truly believe it WILL be ever-increasing if you simply observe the current “business model” of making a profit. I will continue with the “older version” of LogTen Pro. It’s worked fine and as long as Coradine doesn’t pull a “fast one” and make it unuseable then I’ll continue to use it. Sorry Coradine try the Apple model and innovate, make new products, etc. But it’s just not fair to continue to charge your current customers who purchased a product “in faith” that we wouldn’t be baited and switched!!
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