Log Ten Pro X
I am very disapointed. I am a former Log Ten Pro 6 user. Since updating to Log Ten Pro X I have a big mess when starting Log Ten Pro X on Mac. It does not sync even it says so on both devices. A big mess on the Logbookscreen. Data fields are not possible to arrange. After restarting Log Ten Pro X they are back to messy….. Date is showing twice….PIC/P1 Crew field is showing 6 times despite being switched off in preferences. the right side of the screen is a mess….showing a lot of empty space and not the items selected in preferences. Log Ten Pro 6 worked excellent for me. This new version is a catastrophe, especially for airline pilots having a lot of data. On top of all, customer support is ignoring my mails since weeks! Not metioning paying for all this, especially for existing custumers. Dear Coraldine people I am very disapointed!
stearman28 about
LogTen Pilot Log